Board Member Interview - Trevor O’Hoy

Q+A with Trevor O’Hoy - Advisory Board Member of PTP Consulting Group.

Our Head of Operations, Gems Holden sat down with our Advisory Board Members here at PTP Consulting and asked them several questions regarding their career history and what drove them to set up an IT consultancy here in Melbourne.

Trevor, what excites you about PTP?

The PTP business model relies on a true partnership where both the customer and supplier can work , grow and be sustainable together.

All 3 of you hold foreign heritage, I’m a firm believer that diversity creates better discourse. What do you think makes Australia such a great place to build a business?

Australia’s relative youth and history creates a climate of opportunity for success providing you have a robust business model , a strong work ethic and driven by continuous innovation and improvement. These factors combined by the drive to “ouch above our weight” make our country an exciting place to do business.

From humble beginnings, you’ve all worked your way up to the top, name one lesson you’ve learned during the journey.

No matter where you end up in an organisation never forget:

. Your people are your most important asset.

. What does your customer want and need.

. Continue to be different and therefore standout from the pack.

What advice were you given early in your career that has stood the test of time?

Work harder and longer than everyone else. Focus on the issues and remedies rather than the symptoms.

What do you think makes a great leader and who do you currently admire in business? 

Great leaders have impeccable values and full of humility. They develop and build businesses based on people with same values and humility.

When and where in your career do you think you’ve made the biggest impact and why?

Early in my 33 year career at Foster’s I had a successful external  investment which returned more than my salary for a short period of time. During this time the  financial security that it provided allowed me to establish a reputation for innovative risk taking and change management togethor with building a track record of successful business acquisitions. In addition it gave me a shareholder or owners perspective of business in addition to the employee perspective that l already had.

What advice were you given early in your career that has stood the test of time?

Whatever business you are in or  product that you produce “What are the new and younger consumers going to consume.”. In my world  … I came for a family where my father drank VB (Victoria Bitter Beer) and that VB was my preferred beer  , my son will drink any beer other than VB and our grand children won’t drink beer.